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African projects launched

Openworld has offered support to projects in Gabon, Senegal, and Somaliland for students and jobseekers to research market-based learning and sustainable development. A presentation on Gabon's "Green Free Zone" opportunity has been released. In Somaliland, teleworkers helping the new Somaliland-based entrepreneurial school, recipient of a 37 acre land grant, have also begun producing video clips on Internet-enabled job creation solutions. An entrepreneurial academy in Senegal is also preparing video clips, with microscholarship funding, on new learning-and-earning opportunities to promote school sustainability.

Seeds of Change Offer: Microvouchers for student projects

Openworld is offering 500 microvouchers in coming months to fund digital "work-study" projects by students at entrepreneurial schools for the poor to create video clips on opportunities for sustainability. The initiative is funded by recent grants from John C. Whitehead, Jack Pearce, and the Explorers Foundation. Explore the new Seeds of Change challenge offer and apply for the Seeds of Change resources.  Initial video projects are being prepared by students at the Horizon Lanka Academy in Sri Lanka, as well as high school age students in North America.

Openworld Team Launched on

In response to failing public sector systems for delivery of services and infrastructure, Openworld has launched new pages in John Robb's resilient communities wiki to spread practical innovations for self-funding and sustainable alternatives.

Sponsor/Partner Opportunities

Openworld welcomes your help in spreading grassroots free market initiatives in impoverished communities.
For those interested in supporting new self-help opportunities, Openworld welcomes Global Resource Partnerships with individuals, policy institutes, and organizations that can contribute to global challenge offers. Donors interested in making tax-deductible contributions to support Openworld’s nonprofit activities can do so through the Explorers Foundation (tel: +1 303-744-1855). Sponsor options are also offered to supporters who seek early-stage access to new talent and development opportunities.

Contents of  Openworld challenge offers



Beneficiaries of Seeds of Change challenge offers 

  • Individuals
  • Learning Circles
  • eAcademy Partners (entrepreneurial schools and Internet Centers)
  • Neighborhood Partners
  • Community Partners
  • Country Partners

The FreedomPoint Award System
(multiplying the value of initial Seeds of Change challenge offers)

Openworld is preparing a "FreedomPoints" reputation-building system to enable recipients of Seeds of Change resources to multiply the value of the resources available, based on the progress of their work to advance sustainable freedom-creating opportunities in actual and/or virtual realms. (Click here for a full size display of the visual below).



An online form to request Seeds of Change challenge resources is here

Detailed guidelines on the FreedomAwards Points system are now in preparation. Please send an email requesting an update on FreedomAwards to


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